Sunday, April 10, 2011

Sundays in my City-Fish Fry

Unknown Mami

On Friday we went to a Fish Fry with our neighbors. Our first since moving here. Western New Yorkers during the year and during Lent flock to their favorite restaurant, Fire Hall or church for fish fry. There are signs all over the place advertising and almost every restaurant has Fish on Friday specials year round.  After living in Utah for so long it's rare to have a Fish Fry event....but since moving to a predominant Catholic area is all Fish Fry and Bingo. It's starting to feel familiar It brings back memories of my childhood in NJ....Mrs. Paul's or Gordon's Fish sticks....dropping my Grandma off at Bingo night when she visited. I chuckled this winter when we had big snow storms they would announce all the Bingo closures.

It was pretty darn good battered with sweet potato fries and macaroni salad washed down with several beers....Yum!

Head over to UNKNOWN MAMI for more fun city adventures!
Happy SUNDAY all! 

25 comments: said...

That looks delicious! Have you ever fried fish using buttermilk to dip it in first? It makes it so crunchy. The sweet potato fries..yummmmm!

Purple Flowers said...

I've used beer to dip the batter, and it is delicious.

Molly said...

Oh dear, now I want Fish and Chips, not helping with the diet at all.


Matty said...

I've been to a few fish frys. The best was in Florida where the special was grouper. It was the best fish ever. That breading isn't too healthy but it's oh so good. Add in some creamy cole slaw and mmmmmmmmmm.

May said...

Yum, Yum, Yum....I want some!!!! :D

Keetha Broyles said...

Here in the wilds of Wisconsin, Fish Frys are THE THING to do EVERY Friday night.

I LOVE them.

That fish looks right tasty!

Joanna Jenkins said...

Oh yes. Fish Fried back there are the greatest. I grew up on that stuff and my family still enjoys it at least a few times a month. YUM.
Happy Sunday, jj

Ina in Alaska said...

I am starving as I read your post... looks so good! xoxo

likeschocolate said...

looks fantastic!

Lisa said...

I love the picture, the fish looks more yummy as you are enjoying it by the water.

betty said...

I got a chuckle about them announcing Bingo closures during inclement weather (my mom loved playing bingo, LOL) that fish fry looked yummy! I definitely would want to eat there!

visiting from Unknown Mami's Sunday in My City; enjoy your week ahead!


Claudya Martinez said...

You are making my mouth water. I love sweet potato fries.

lisaroy said...

We don't have fish fries in my neck of the woods - sounds like fun and looks delicious! :)

Amy DM said...

That fish looks so delicious. But, I'll take regular fries, with mine, please. :)

kks said...

yum! here's to a great week!

Ronda said...

That is one of my favorite foods of all--fish and chips! LOVE it. Hope you had a great weekend, now have a good week!

Liz Mays said...

That does indeed sound delicious!

Sonya said...

I am so jealous! I have always wanted to go to a fish fry! that fish looks sooo delicious!

Kwana said...

Yummy and I'm loving your new header. So springy!

Maggie May said...

Traditionally, *fish & chips* as we call it, is supposed to be our basic food in Britain but I think that curry has now overtaken it.
When we were kids, we used to eat fish & chips out of newspaper but of course health & safety wouldn't permit that now.
It did taste delicious though.
Maggie X

Nuts in May

CM said...

Ha! I laughed out loud at the "Fire Hall" reference. Too funny! Around here, it's the VFW or the Legion Hall.

Your meal sounded wonderfully fattening, but good!

Mrs4444 said...

Great SIMC post! I prefer my fish breaded, but sweet potato fries!? What a treat!! The bingo culture is something else...another perfect SIMC post, for sure!

Susan said...

We too ALWAYS have Fish on Fridays, and not as strict outside of Lent, but seem to have memories of not eating meat on any Fridays, especially Lent... My Mom once said to us, no meat on Friday's is supposed to be a sacrafice... therefore, serving lobster or shrimp is not sending the right message... Fish and Chips are common - we frequently had "fish sticks"... or tuna noodle casserole! And Bingo... I've been once, with my Irish Grandmother - packed room of crazy people (I thought)... would love to try it again... Have a great week, next time your visiting your sister in Allendale, would love to meet you!

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Mmmmmmm! It looks absolutely marvelous!!! I've given up 'fried' foods but honey...I'm droolin' here and suddenly have a cravin' for some batter dipped fish and fries. Shhhhh, we won't tell Dr. Whitecoat! Heeehehehe!

God bless ya and have an amazin' day! :o)

forever folding laundry said...

I am so hungry right now.
It looks delicious!!
