Joining Joyce @
Stop by say hi!
1. The Wednesday Hodgepodge this week falls on John Chapman's birth date. He's more famously known as Johnny Appleseed...what's your favorite variety of apple?
Honey Crisp
2. When did you last say 'ice'?
I'm more of an EW kind of girl! lol
3. Do you think there's a generation gap? Explain.
Yes most daughter looks at me like I'm crazy when I talk about things from our HS/college years. The electronics is day and night difference, TV shows, music, expectations of young adults today and privileges. I could go on and on!
4. What's on your computer screen saver? Do you leave it alone or change it often?
Random pictures of Katelyn. I usually leave them alone.
5. If you had the attention of the entire world for two minutes, what would you say?
6. Four fashion trends to try this fall are-brocade/jacquard (fancy printed fabrics), peplum, lace, and printed pants...which of these four would you be most likely to wear?
7. What can make your bad day better?
Why can we all just get along? Something along those lines!
Maybe lace but really none are my taste.
Laughing or speaking to Katelyn
8. Insert your own random thought here.
I have a job interview today....nervous and excited! I really would love to be back in the work world again...please keep your fingers crossed for me...thanks!
Sophie wants to know why she isn't in the screen saver? Good luck on the job interview!! Keep me posted.
Good luck today on your interview!
sending BIG-BIG-BIG GOOD LUCK WISHES your way on the interview today!
honey crisp!!! YES!... what i wouldn't give for one of those lovelies!
generation gap... where to even start! we just talked about that last night. as soon as you say 'when i was your age'... they stop listening. for we were NEVER their age. lol!
have a super day my friend!
xo tracie
Good luck with the job interview! Hoping it turns out the way you want!
Best of luck on your interview!
Yup, there's a generation gap alright! My parents seemed ancient when they had me - that's a wide gap and then some! :)
Good luck today!!! they would be crazy not to hire you :) Let us know how it goes!!!
Good luck :-)
Me too, I saw eww.
Hope all goes well for you today.
Good luck with the interview!
I would like to know when kids begin to think their parents are cool or does that only happen if you get a tatoo and become a punk rocker. Mine too think I am nuts!
Hope your job search/interview went well.
Jobs - can't live with them can't live without them
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