Sunday, March 31, 2013
Saturday, March 30, 2013
My favorite Easter stuff....
I saw these on PVE's blog for the first time
I'm in love with silhouettes
The crafty side of me knew I could make them
I followed the trail to Pinterest which lead me to Rook no. 17
then off to JoAnn's for wooden eggs, little spray paint, Modpodge
And voila!
I started collecting these hand painted eggs when we visited Austria, at the time I only bought two. We have a little country store here that brings in hand painted eggs from Austria every my collection has grown without leaving my zip code.
I love my little Steiff chicks I bought when in Germany
I wrote about it here
I don't really go crazy decorating for Easter
Just a few things here and there.
Thursday, March 28, 2013
My Birthday girl!
LOVE her...
with all my HEART ♥
I'm seriously the luckiest Mom to be blessed with such a daughter!
She is my everything! I'm so proud of the young lady she has become.
Happy Birthday Katelyn!
Love you!
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Playing along with Joyce at From this side of the Pond
1. What are your plans for Easter? Are you cooking a big lunch or dinner? Dyeing eggs? Attending a sun rise service? Eating too much chocolate?
Low key...nice big breakfast, church.....hopefully something out doors and lots of chocolate!
2. What is something you feel too young to do?
3. "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs..."
Of the characteristics mentioned in the biblical definition of love which do you find most difficult to live out and why?
Probably is not proud. I'm proud of the love I have and proud to speak of the love I have....whether it's for my family, friends or proud of something I've done.
4. What's a springtime flower you associate with your childhood?
Azaleas.....I remember every Easter having our pictures taken in from of the blooming Azaleas down our drive way. My Azaleas are buried in snow right now!
5. Ever sung karaoke? If so, what's your go-to song? If not and you're given the opportunity, would you?
Once with a lot of wine in me...I hate go to song...more like a go hide in the corner!
6. What is something you keep in a basket?
Mail and magazines in my office, also have one with electronic cords in it.
7. When was the last time you felt foolish?
Recently stuck my foot in mouth at work....joking with patient and it went terribly wrong. Yikes I cringe just thinking about it now!
8. Insert your own random thought here.
I fell last week and have a HUGE bruise between my shoulder and's a beautiful green and purple shade....every time I see it, it catches me off guard. I'm pretty sure I could never handle a tattoo.
I wish I wasn't working...I'm happy to have a job don't get me wrong...but I miss being home with Katelyn when she is on break....cough cough....I think I have a fever! Cough cough!
Happy Wednesday!
Friday, March 22, 2013
Friday Fragments
Happy Friday!
Omg it's been a long and busy week!
I'm glad it's finally Friday! Yay!
Cheers to Friday!
Katelyn and her friend Lindsey went to Hersey, PA to see their BFF Amanda that was injured in the SHU Lacrosse bus crash last Saturday. She is finally out of critical care and these two couldn't not be any happier than to see their friend. Amanda will be released from hospital and returning to Minnesota to be with her family for spring break....I know everyone that loves this girl is relieved to see her smiling face.
Big brother is watching!
Well Katelyn is on her way home as I type....can't wait to spend some time with her. Her 19th birthday is next week and than of coarse it's also Easter! So looking forward to this next 10 days!
It's been snowing for two days, cold and windy.....isn't it spring didn't the groundhog see his shadow...hey Mother Nature....Spring make it happen! Please!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Stop by Half Past Kissin Time for more FF
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Wednesday Hodgepodge
Joining Joyce From This Side Of The Pond
Happy Spring!
1. March 20th is the first day of she a lion or a lamb in your part of the world?
Lion we received 6 inches of snow last night and it just started again and expected to continue until the weekend....Spring is not here!
2. What's the most dreaded task on your spring clean to-do list? Do you have a 'plan of attack'?
My basement needs serious attention.....we still have things in their original moving boxes.....and that will be three years this July.
3. 'em or hate 'em? What's a favorite dish you make using peas?
I wouldn't eat a pea straight out but like them in meals! Probably a Beef strew or I have a chicken casserole meal that I like in them.
4. Do you feel under appreciated?
5. Have you been using Google Reader? If so, what are you switching to now that GR has announced retirement? If not, how do you read your favorite blogs?
5. Have you been using Google Reader? If so, what are you switching to now that GR has announced retirement? If not, how do you read your favorite blogs?
No I don't use it, I read blogs from my blog roll or reading list or from comments.
6. Anne Bradstreet is credited with the following quote~
"If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant; if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome."
Agree or Disagree? Why?
I agree I think with any season you have to experience it and appreciate it and get sick of it! With Spring come beautiful flowers but also the rain, mud and dreaded allergies! But with that said I'm ready for change!
7. When did you last 'spring for something'? What was it?
I just had my wedding rings resized and spruced up so I can wear them again...lets just it's been a while since they were comfortably worn.
8. Insert your own random thought here?
I can't wait until Friday to hug my girl, it's been an emotional week for her. Her very best friend was in the bus accident this weekend and one of the critically injured Lacrosse players. Her school Seton Hill University is small 2,500 and with any tragedy it hits home. Thank god her friend survived and will heal. My heart goes out to all the young girls on the bus that morning what they went through and witness was very hard. Her school lost an amazing coach, teacher, a young mother and wife....the way they have come together as a community giving everyone strength and spirit is amazing.
The outpour of support for the Seton Hill Women's LAX team is so heart felt...teams all across the world as far as England are wearing their school colors in red and gold ribbons in their hair or on their cleats and playing for SHU.

Life is a gift
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
25 years ago today....
I married the love of my life
March 19, 1988
Gotta love the 80's big hair and shoulder pads!
My favorite photo of today
Happy Anniversary Honey!
Love you!
Sunday, March 17, 2013
Friday, March 15, 2013
Friday Fragments
Joining Half Past Kissin Time for today's FF
Sophie went to daycare three days this week....she is dog gone tired! Today they had their annual St. Paddy's day parade....Sophie took third place....thanks to her sister's build a bear hula skirt! There was some pretty festive pups! Her daycare owners are serious Irish....the place was decked out.
People are finally taking down their Christmas decorations's only because they go crazy for Easter. We have had plenty of warm weather excuses people!
It's weird to live in such a Catholic area after living in Utah for so long...especially during Easter/Lent time....It's Fish Fry Friday on every corner!
It's our 25th wedding anniversary next week....any ideas to get my man?
One more week until my baby comes home....can't wait! Wish I wasn't working so I can spend morning, noon and night with her! lol! She'd love that! :)
So glad it's Friday....Hubby is finally home from California!
Happy weekend!
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Wednesday Hodgepodge
Joining Joyce at From this side of Pond
It's been years since I've visited a casino, never bet on a horse or bought a lottery ticket...I've talked and thought about it but never.
2. Will you be preparing and/or dining on the traditional Corned Beef and Cabbage meal this St. Patrick's Day? Mashed-baked-hash browned-french fried...your favorite way to have potatoes?
No I grew up having Corn Beef and cabbage but not really a fan and either is hubby....probably have some green beer and a Guinness cup cake from the cupcake shop Katelyn worked at. favorite way for potatoes...Mashed!
3. What's the last thing you felt 'green with envy' over?
I'm typically not an envious person, but there are days I envy the girl I work with hair...mine is so thin and lifeless...I'd kill for long thick locks!
4. What's at the end of your rainbow?
My daughter's smiling face!
5. March 12th marks the anniversary of the death of Anne Frank (June 12, 1929-March, 1945). Anne's diary detailing her time spent hiding from the Nazi's during the war ranks as one of the best selling books of all time. Besides your blog, do you keep any sort of diary or journal? Was this a habit you developed as a child or is journaling something new for you?
Just this blog....tried journaling many times and never really took.
6. What's an item in your home or closet that contains every color of the rainbow?
I have a pretty floral scarf that pretty much covers every color out there!
7. Write a limerick with you as the subject. You can do it!! Just remember this is a family friendly blog...don't make me get out my wooden spoon.
My name is Kathy
I can sometimes be sappy
but most the time I'm pretty happy!
8. Insert your own random thought here.
This time change killing anyone else....omg...the mornings especially! Even with a second cup of joe...I do love it being lighter later. It almost feels like Spring is near...except for the snow flakes I see coming down and the bitter temps.
Katelyn is coming home in 9 days !! I can't wait!!
Happy Wednesday!
Saturday, March 9, 2013
Hooked on Anchors
I ♥ these......
I really want this scarf.....
And these Espadrilles
Love this for my back porch.......
Saturday, March 2, 2013
♣ Lucky to have you....
So lucky.....
I don't really believe in luck...
Do you?
But I do love St. Patrick's Day
Found this free download on Pinterest
Printed it out on card stock
It's on my refrigerator now
it might make it to a frame
Just wanted to tell you all
I'm Lucky to have YOU♣
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