Monday, October 18, 2010


Sophie loves going bye bye, on this trip she received a bone from the lady at the bank. Awesome for her, except I gave it to her and she was pretty clueless on what to do. It was her first time with treats in the car. We drove for blocks with her head sticking out of window bone in mouth. She finally caught on and ate it!

Sophie is still having her skin issues, they seem to be worse than ever. We have tried everything and our vet is out of options. So this week we are off to a Veterinarian skin specialist. I really hope they find a solution for her so she is not so miserable. Next dog we get is going to be a mutt this one has cost us a small fortune!

Happy Monday all! 


Kwana said...

Sophie is so funny with her bone. I hope the skin is better soon. Let is know.

Unknown said...

Oh no. Poor Sophie. I hope they can figure out what is wrong with her : (

Joyce said...

That's funny!

My dog has itchy skin, an allergy of some sort. We have her on an antihistamine and it has helped a lot. We hear ya on the mutt! This one has a medical file thicker than War and Peace. The mutt we had before her went to the vet about once a year for shots. period.

This one is the sweetest thing ever though so I won't complain too much.

heidi said...

That is so cute!!! Happy monday!

likeschocolate said...

I don't have a dog, but wonder if it could be something in her diet that is causing her skin problems. Maybe, you have looked at this. I hope they ca make her better or at least more comfortable. said...

I sympathize with the skin thing. I've got one that is definitely my million dollar dog because he costs so much in vet bills and the other who is in need of psychiatric help. (She's a bit over the edge since our move to Oregon.)

Sophie looks adorable with her bone in her mouth and head out the window.

m. said...

Scout's favorite thing now is drive thru's. It only took one time for her to receive a treat to figure out that she'd most likely get one every time! Now you can't keep her away from the window whenever we're at the bank or Starbucks.

Suzy said...

My sister's dog has skin issues. In the summer we know it's fleas but when it cools down?

Antihistamines are a good bet.

Expats Again said...

So cute. Sophie is my favorite "blog" dog!

ellieshine said...

That is so cute! My last dog used to love to go to the bank, and if it was the wrong bank he was so confused by the lack of treat!

Poor Sophie! Our dog we had to leave in Australia had a skin condition however in the winter it pretty much went away - Hopefully you will get this figured out so Sophie can be comfortable again!

Liz Mays said...

That is so funny that she didn't really know what to do with it!

OHN said...

I agree with the other commenter about the diet. When our cocker spaniel (the dog we spent equal to a college education on)was having skin problems we switched to a higher quality food that didn't have any grains (Infinia is one I love) and the skin/itching/chewing cleared up. The food is more expensive but less than the vet ;-)

May said...

Awwww...poor Sophie. Hope she gets better soon!!! Is the skin condition something to do with change of country???

Follygirl said...

I hope that the new doctor can help her.
We once had a female dog, her the skin disease always came back, nothing has really helped her, a poor girl.
Best wishes and speedy recovery for Sophie!


lisaroy said...

aw, poor Sophie - hopefully you can get things sorted out - I wonder if something in her food is reacting with her or maybe it's just taking her a while to adjust to her new surroundings after all the stress of moving...
so funny about the dog treat! :)

Claudya Martinez said...

Poor Sophie. I hope she gets some relief soon.

Deidra said...

Sophie is a sweetheart. I hope this vet can find an answer for you all.

AiringMyLaundry said...

I hope they can help Sophie!

###### said...

hey..i notice you are going by formally known as????

Joanna Jenkins said...

Ha! It took her a while to figure out what to do with the bone in the car. I love that.

Hope her skin issues clear soon-- especially before the snow flies.

I'm back from vacation and catching up. Off to read more of your posts. Cheers, jj

Joyce said...

Ahhh... this image reminded me of Kelly. She is so cute!
Hey Kathy- does she have chicken and/or corn in her food and treats? Sometimes dogs can be allergic to chicken or corn. Just a thought. xo