Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Wednesday Hodgepodge

Happy Wednesday! 
Joining Joyce today From This Side Of The Pond

1. It's  been said that one small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day. Do you think that's true? Do you find that an easy exercise most mornings? What's something positive you told yourself today? If you missed that boat, what's something positive you could tell yourself tomorrow?

Yes I do think it's true that and a good cup of coffee! No not always! Something positive...umm nothing today perhaps tomorrow will be "you got this"! (job hunt and interview prep mode)

2. There will be karaoke at the next party you attend...are you in? Or will you be faking a sore throat?

Noooooo! I'll be hiding in bathroom! 

3. January 29th is National Puzzle Day...what's something you've found puzzling recently?


4.  Jigsaw, crossword, acrostic, logic, sudoku, word search...what's your favorite kind of puzzle, and when did you last work one?

Does Candy Crush count as a puzzle? 

5. Recently a writer by the name of Amy Glass ruffled feathers with a post she wrote saying she looks down on young women with husbands and kids and she's not sorry. Among other things, she says women will be equal with men when we stop saying house work and real work are equally important. You can read the whole piece by clicking here.

What say you? Do you think men and women are equal in the 21st century? Why or why not?
Depends on the situation....I've worked and I've stayed home. When I worked my job was not to the caliber of my husbands so all the household jobs still fell on me. I will never make has much as him, I will never be the main bread winner and I'm okay with's a huge responsibility. I'm fine with being a contributor but thats just me! 

6. What's a product you've noticed in the grocery store that you'd like to try, but haven't yet?

Budweiser Lime a Rita.....I'm a Margarita girl...people either love or hate it! Gonna try one of these days! 

7. The author, Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (aka Lewis Carroll) was born this week in 1832 (January 27th).  Which character from his celebrated novel, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, would you most like to meet, and why? Here's a link to a character list if you need help on this one. 

Probably Alice....I like order but always up for an adventure! 

8. Insert your own random thought here.

I've been unemployed for almost a week now....been applying to jobs, had one interview! 
Enjoying being home while a can, it's been nice especially during these frigid snowy days we have been having. I think Sophie has been the happiest to have me home. She can be my shadow again.

Have a wonderful Wednesday! 



Good Luck with the job search. I have a Lime a Rita in the fridge. Haven't tried it yet either.

likeschocolate said...

While I agree woman are just as capable of doing any job any man can do and earn just as much or more money. I disagree with Amy Glass that we should not count housework as being of the same calibre. My husband would say any day that my work is harder than his!

Leslie said...

Perfect... I've been a puzzle connecting fool this week! : )
I too admit to being somewhat addicted to candy crush.. Errr.

Karaoke.. Oh come on, After a few margaritas, I am pulling you out of the bathroom and we are singing!!!
It's fun! Plus.. when you are really drunk ( unless some loser friend records it) you have no idea how bad you really sound. : )

Good luck on the job front.

Tracy said...

Yes Candy Crush is a puzzle. Especially when you have to figure out how to avoid dropping the bombs. Those are the levels that always get me stumped for awhile. I'm on level 376 now.

Bill Lisleman said...

karaoke - The last family Christmas party I was asked/pushed into performing a song or two.
Years ago I had lots of fun trying my vocal cords on it. My wife even gave me one for my birthday. I've used it but lately the grandkids have fun with it.

Joyce said...

I've tasted the lime a rita...they're pretty good. Not sure I'd call it a margarita, but it's not bad. #3-people-ha! So true! Good luck with the job hunt : )

Liz Mays said...

Drag me out of the party and into the bathroom too. No karaoke over here either. Are you hooked on Candy Crush? I was and it was getting ridiculous! I was up til 3AM all the time. I made myself delete it off all of my devices. I'm FREE!

lisaroy said...

That's great that you've already had one interview! Enjoy the break! And after the ordeal you've had on the crazy train, you deserve a few Lime a Ritas! ox

Maggie May said...

Liked your answers!
Good luck finding a new job.
Maggie x

Nuts in May

Purple Flowers said...

The job will happen. When you least expect it,the phone will ring. For now, enjoy your time with Sophie and the snowy winter weather.

Purple Flowers said...

The job will happen. When you least expect it,the phone will ring. For now, enjoy your time with Sophie and the snowy winter weather.