Sunday, January 2, 2011

A new day in a new year!

Yesterday, on the first day of a new year....I started it the way I love starting each year fresh! We took down all the Christmas decorations, put away in their storage. Cleaned the house from top to bottom, all the laundry is done. Everything is in it's place!

I'm ready to start the New Year!

Today I'm cleaning out the refrigerator and pantry, ridding of all temptations and evil. Heading to the grocery store in search for the new healthier choices for my family. My trainer has provided me with a lovely doesn't have anything from a box on the list, no ice cream or cookies, certainly no candy!
I hope by weeks end my family and I won't be in the closet eating splenda packets or fighting over brown sugar just to get a fix!

I might print off a large picture of myself and run copies to Dunkin Donuts, Tim Hortons and various bakeries with a do not serve her if you see her poster, just to be safe! I might make ask all our grocery stores not to carry Valentine peeps or any kind of gummy product, or conversation hearts or don't sell to me.

I might search online for some WILL POWER.....wonder if Amazon or Overstock sells some? I'd be willing to pay for shipping and over night delivery.

I'm's a new day.....It's my year!! omg....I'm scared!


Joyce said...

Sounds like you have cleaned out all the cobweb and corners, making the jump lighter into a new year. You go girl! xo

likeschocolate said...

It is so hard isn't it! You can do it! Good luck!

Kim said...

I'm in trouble because there is a giant bag of chocolate chips from costco in the pantry so there will be temptation until those are gone! And I'm jealous that you have Tim Horton's. Good luck from your sister in sugar detox ;-}

Purple Flowers said...

Best of good wishes to you. If you exercise, it will help control the sweet cravings.

Ann said...

Sounds like you are making a great start to the new year! Deciding to make change is the first step... (and one I need to take as well!)

Sneaker Teacher said...

You can do it! It is so hard to give up old habits, but it will be worth it as you start to feel better. Happy New Year!

Shannon said...

Sounds like an inspiring start to the new year! You've convinced me to tackly my pantry. I'm nervous!

Anonymous said...

Ive had the worst weekend when it comes to willpower- who thought my husband would think i'm full of horseshit when it comes to dieting? i tried as hard as i could to stay strong- stayed within my points each day but man it was TOUGH!!!

email me at c kaplan 1230@ me dot com if you still want to be each other's diet bashers :)

Leslie said...

Sounds like a great start to the new year!
Happy Monday.

Sonya said...

You can do need to find something that works for you. I know that cutting out everything doesnt always work so look for other alternatives to get a chocolate fix when you need it,allow yourself a cheat day and reward yourself in other ways..not just with food..maybe a new pair of pants when you go down a size or some makeup.

You can do this : )

Liz Mays said...

Good luck! You are so smart to get it out of the house though. I'd be searching frantically for some vestige of sugar or naughtiness if I knew it was there.

lisaroy said...

wow you're super productive! I need a kick in the pants to get going - I haven't even taken down my Christmas decorations yet! (I'm easing into it after my sloth-like week!)
good for you and I know you can do it!! :)