Signs that is one thing I hope to be able to read once I know more German. This one says Verbot which translates to ban. Sorry the picture is blurry it was taken from a moving bus. So basically I gather it is saying guns, knives and switchblades are banned from 20-8 Uhr . So from 10 pm until 8 am no guns, knives and blades allowed....hello allow them then I'm asleep, lets ban them from 8 am to 10 pm . Okay the fact that there is a sign banning and setting a time limit struck me as odd. I wonder if it is only in that neighborhood ....?
Definitely strange... :)
And Bremen? I grew up in the foothills of Adelaide, South Australia, and the pub a few miles away was called The Bremen; a German couple owned it :)
That's the strangest sign... I would scratch my head over this...haha
Great NEW week dear! Ps: that wasn't a's a photograph on my post darling ;)
Hey girl..thanks for the comments. You have a great Tuesday as well!
These signs mark the "weapons ban area" (Waffenverbotszone). The area covers the train station and a number of streets in the inner city that have many clubs and bars. (map: After several 'incidents' with weapons especially around the clubs at night the local government introduced the ban in February 2009 to 'increase public safety'. It's only valid enforced 8pm to 8am since there were and are no attacks in bright daylight.
too bizzare....thanks SteWi for the translation....:)
enjoy your week!
Wow! I can see a sign like this in the bad section of New York (LOL), but in Germany? I am going to ask my german friend if she ever saw such a thing.
there are always clues, such as the english word, verboten- meaning forbidden.
Always look for cognates and you will be able to "guess" meanings. I "guess" the lines through the weapons was a good visual clue as to the meaning of the sign :)
wow. let us know what it's all about, when ypu find out! all people in Germany actually follow directions posted on sign? Perhaps we could try to post signs here in America and do away with crime completely. No? You don't think that will work? Really? ;)
I've never seen a sign like that in Germany. Must be a Bremen thing :-P
Maybe it is some kind of a joke. There is no sign like this in germany ;-) and guns are not allowed at all!
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