Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Why do vacations wipe us out? I'm finally done with the mounds of laundry. Spent yesterday dealing with car repairs and grocery shopping. Still feeling out of sorts....back to my Boot Camp exercise class today....I'm scared it's been two weeks of very little exercise beyond lifting a glass to my mouth. Sophie is wiped out too, since picking her up she has slept non stop. I know how she feels.....ah! A dog's life! 

Happy Tuesday :)


Joyce said...

I could just pick Sophie up and squeeze her to death (in a loving way), she is so cute!!
Sometimes we need a vacation from a vacation. :) xo

Ina in Alaska said...

I agree with Joyce. We need extra vacation time to deal with vacation fallout. I am pretty much recovered from my visitors but we have had company Saturday night and last night, thus washing sheets and cleaning bathrooms. Again. But I am having fun. The next visitor arrives Aug 2 for one night. Then that is the end of it. It has been a busy summer for me!

Sophie looks "dog tired"... xo

Bobbi said...

Oh for cute! Little Sophie is even covering her eyes!!

I know the feeling about coming back from vacation. So much to do when you return,